A friend of ours heard about our "journey of faith, fisher, forests, family, friends and fun" and suggested we set up a Blog. A what? So here we are....on the road again with Bocahontas and Buba. Blessed with the freedom of time, we were inspired by two of our favorite causes. So we organized a road trip to Alaska which should not only be fun but also an opportunity to spread the good word about The Fisher Houses , The Orthodox Christian Mission Center/Programs and some of our National Parks. We are participating in a 2 week Mission in Tyonek, Alaska with the OCMC group in June. Feel free to check out the planned trip on the calendar link. Caribou Cabins? Blue Moose? Tundra Lodge? and our soon to be "favorite" Motel 6. Any and all suggestions, prayers and good karma are welcome and very much appreciated....poor Buba, in a car with Pam for 5 months. Lions, and tigers and bears oh my! Toggle down to the calendar and see where we are over the next months. We ask for your prayers.

Grab yourself a cold one and come along for the ride. Enjoy and laugh along with us viewing the daily blogs which are archived on the left side of this page in chronological order. We started April 22- Happy Trails!



The Fisher House

The Fisher House program is a unique private-public partnership that supports America's military in their time of need. The Fisher House Foundation, through the kindness of donations received, provides "comfort homes" that are built on the grounds of major military and VA medical centers. These homes enable America's military families to be together during extended treatment for serious illness or lengthy physical sessions....very much like the Ronald McDonald homes for families of children in a similar situation. We were first introduced to Fisher House while visiting Brooke Army Medical Center (Burn Center) in San Antonio. We were so moved by the dedication and love of the staff and volunteers that we returned for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Currently there are 44 Fisher Houses (more in the works) and our goal is to visit all of them and spread the good word to family and friends. Please feel free to peruse their website for a detailed explanation about the Fisher House Foundation and programs. Perhaps you will be inspired by the work this group does on behalf of our Armed Forces.

Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC)

The Orthodox Christian Mission Center is the official foreign mission agency of all the Orthodox Jurisdictions (i.e. Greek, Russian, Serb etc.) The goal of the OCMC is to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ where it presently does not exist and to establish vibrant Orthodox Eucharistic Communities throughout the world. We have had the privilege and pleasure to admire the work of this organization (headquarters located in St. Augustine, Florida) for years and now that we are retired we have the blessing to participate. We are on the road to Alaska to join a Mission Team in Tyonek for a couple weeks to do some construction and teaching in an Athabascan Indian Village. "If I had a hammer"...you'll be happy to know I deep sixed the acrylic nails in anticipation of caulking and painting. :) Please take a peek at the OCMC web site for details on all of the programs they are involved with throughout the world. And do stop in to see Father Martin and his kind and loving staff when you are in St. Augustine! We will also be visiting family, friends and Orthodox Churches while on the road to share the marvelous work of the OCMC.

National Parks

Most people know that the National Park Service cares for national parks, a network of nearly 400 natural, cultural and recreational sites across the nation. The treasures in this system – the first of its kind in the world –have been set aside by the American people to preserve, protect, and share, the legacies of this land.

People from all around the world visit national parks to experience America's story, marvel at the natural wonders, and have fun. Places like the Grand Canyon, the Statue of Liberty, and Gettysburg are popular destinations, but so too are the hundreds of lesser known yet equally meaningful gems like Rosie the Riveter in California, Boston Harbor Islands in Massachusetts, and Russell Cave in Alabama.

The American system of national parks was the first of its kind in the world, and provides a living model for other nations wishing to establish and manage their own protected areas. The park service actively consults with these Nations, sharing what we've learned, and gaining knowledge from the experience of others.

Beyond national parks, the National Park Service helps communities across America preserve and enhance important local heritage and close-to-home recreational opportunities. Grants and assistance are offered to register, record and save historic places; create community parks and local recreation facilities; conserve rivers and streams, and develop trails and greenways.

We hope to see you soon in a national park and invite you to explore the ways we can help you preserve what’s important in your hometown.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Lake of The Woods - The Walleye Capital of the World
Lake of the Woods County is located in Minnesota. As of 2000, the population was 4,522. Its county seat is Baudette. The county contains the Northwest Angle, the northernmost point of the Lower 48 States, and includes the U.S. portion of Lake of the Woods, shared with Canada. Since Alaska has no counties, Lake of the Woods is the northernmost county in the United States, by definition. We enjoyed fine dining at Dairy Queen- the 2 for $3 special (hot dog, fries, onion rings, coke). Yep any 2 for $3. Why not just put lard in a cup to go?

When you visit Lake of the Woods you are about as far North as you can get and still be in the continental U.S. During peak sunspot activity charged particles are thrown far out into space and are carried to the earth's atmosphere by the solar wind. The particles then interact with the earth's magnetic field in the polar regions. The colors in the northern lights are not a continuous spectrum, but a few separate colors such as red, violet, blue, and green. The first indication of a northern lights display is a faint glow low on the horizon. After a while an arch of light is lit. It can stretch all over the sky. Rays of light and "draperies" are formed with curls and waves. The draperies appear as if they are flickering or dancing in the wind. Sometimes the rays will stretch out in all directions above your head. This occurrence is called the aurora corona and will fill any onlooker with a hushed sense of awe. Pleep thought the wine enhanced the colors.

Lake of the Woods County was named because the lake covers a large portion of the county. Jacques de Noyon, a Frenchman who came from Trois Rivières, (Quebec), explored this area in 1688 and became the first white man to view the lake. He named the lake Lac aux Îles which means "Lake of the Islands" in English. Yes and the border patrol recognized Pleep and hoped he wasn't coming back to Canada.

Wally the Walleye
The walleye is the most sought-after fish in Minnesota. Its thick, white fillets, handsome shape and coloring, and elusive nature make it the ultimate prize among anglers. Each year, anglers in Minnesota keep roughly 3.5 million walleyes totaling 4 million pounds. The average walleye caught and kept is about 14 inches long and weighs slightly more than 1 pound. The walleye is named for its pearlescent eye, which is caused by a reflective layer of pigment, called the tapetum lucidum, that helps it see and feed at night or in murky water. Four seasons of "world class" fishing-Northern Pike, Muskellunge, Smallmouth Bass, Saugher, Burbot, Lake Sturgeon, White Sucker and my personal favorite "Crappie".

You can hardly see Pleep next to Wally-weighing at 2.5 tons and measuring 40 ft long. Definitely in keeping with Minnesota's Paul Bunyan style and proportions. Pleep took to this town mascot...and now wants to have one for dinner and compare it to the salmon he was eating in Alaska.

Pleep is continuing to exhibit his recently acquired cowboy habits. We caught him checking out the various "chew" options. When we checked into the hotel, he asked for the "bunk house" and they gave it to him. Buba told him not to sleep with the rifle put Pleep insisted real cowboys always keep their rifle handy. You never know when some pesky, liberal leaning varmint might show up at your door.

By the end of the day, we had to tell him he was in hot water with us and would be sent back to the bunkhouse with no grub. The smart aleck took us literally and we found him at the hotel's coffee bar.
Just as we tracked him down he jumped over to another spot at the bar. Buba saw this and said he couldn't punish such a patriotic monkey.

What a state - Jesse Ventura and then Al Franken
And whatever happened to ol'Jess? The 38th Governor of Minnesota (1999-2003)- Jesse "The Body" Ventura. Where else, yes besides California, would they vote in a retired professional wrestler? As Howard Stern said "Once a Mongrel always a Mongrel" referring to Jesse's days in the Mongrel Motorcycle gang in San Diego. What happened to his Reformed Party? This former Navy Seal (how did that happen?) defeated Norm Coleman (name sounds familiar right?). I did see a few leftover bumper stickers of "My Governor Can Beat Up Your Governor" and hey Jesse did you ever get that legalized prostitution law passed up here? My personal favorite quote of his "organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people". Hmmm from the Rhodes Scholar I find the remark fascinating.

On to Minnesota's other winner...the former Saturday Night writer turned Senator-talk about a bad joke. What's next Senator Carrot Top? While indeed he was born here but what does this transplanted New York Comic have in common with the folks I am seeing around here? On the other hand maybe he is qualified for the comic institution known as the U.S. Senate. This pic sums it my thoughts on now Senator Franken. He did win fair and square right? Oh Garrison Keeler are you next?

Pleep commandeered the computer during the trek to Northern Minnesota. He wanted to make a movie of the best of Pleep cowboy experiences which seem to involve as much drinking & goofing off as actual cowboy work. He says it's dedicated to me. We are going to have a hard time reigning him in when we finally hit the big city. We may have to send him to Lincoln Park Zoo for a few days until he settles down. Lou Lou will be jealous.